
Function Symbol Description Main Code Flow
2 ports

Direct-Acting, Normally-Closed, Double-Lock, Manually Operated Bi-Directional

DT-13A-2A-51-Z-0230 23 350 13A-2
DT-13A-2A-51-Z-0400 40 350 13A-2
2 ports

Direct-Acting, Normally-Open, Bi-Directional Flow, Double Lock When Manual Operated

DT-13A-2A-52-Z-0400 40 350 13A-2
3 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Pilot Operated, With Internal Drain to Port 3

DP-11A-3Q-Y-Z 28 350 11A-3
DP-2A-3Q-Y-Z 60 350 2A-3
3 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Pilot Operated, With Internal Drain to Port 3, Normally Closed

DP-11A-3N-Y-Z 28 350 11A-3
DP-2A-3N-Y-Z 60 350 2A-3
3 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Pilot Operated, With Internal Drain to Port 3, Normally Open

DP-11A-3M-Y-Z 28 350 11A-3
DP-2A-3M-Y-Z 60 350 2A-3
3 Ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Direct Acting, Port 2 to Port 3, Shift Port 1 to Port 2, Internal Drain

DD-11A-3Q-Y-Z 28 350 11A-3
DD-2A-3Q-Y-Z 60 350 2A-3
3 ports

Piloted 2-Position 2-Way Spool, Normally Closed, Vented, Atmospherically Referenced

DD-10W-X-Y-Z 38 350 10W-3
3 ports

Piloted 2-Position 2-Way Spool, Normally Open, Vented, Atmospherically Referenced

DD-10W-X-Y-Z 38 350 10W-3
3 ports

Manual Rotary, 3-Way, 2-Position, 0° - 90°

DR-10W-3A-Y-Z 38 240 10W-3
3 ports

Piloted 2-Position 2-Way Spool, Normally Open, Internal Vent

DD-10W-X-Y-Z 40 350 10W-3
3 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Pilot Operated, With Internal Drain to Port 3

DP-2A-3P-Y-Z 60 350 2A-3
4 ports

2-Way, 2-Position, Pilot-to-Shift, Direct Acting, Normally-Closed, Drain

DD-21A-44-Y-Z 2 350 21A-4
4 ports

2-Way, 2-Position, Pilot-to-Shift, Direct Acting, Normally-Open, Drain

DD-21A-45-Y-Z 2 350 21A-4
4 ports

Manual Rotary, 4-Way, 2-Position

DR-10W-4A-Y-Z 11 240 10W-4
4 ports

Manual Rotary, 4-Way, 3-Position, Blocked Centre

DR-10W-4B-22-Z 11 240 10W-4
4 ports

3-Way, 2-Position Direct Acting, Port 3 to Port 4, Shift Port 2 to Port 3

DD-21A-4R-Y-Z 28 350 21A-4
4 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Direct Acting, Normally-Closed, Shift Port 2 to Port 3

DD-21A-4N-Y-Z 28 350 21A-4
4 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Pilot Operated, With Drain to Port 4

DP-21A-4Q-Y-Z 28 350 21A-4
DP-22A-4Q-Y-Z 60 350 22A-4
4 ports

Piloted 2-Position 3-Way Spool, Internal Vent

DD-10W-42-Y-Z 38 240 10W-4
4 ports

Piloted 2-Position 3-Way Spool, Vented, Atmospherically Referenced

DD-10W-4S-Y-Z 38 240 10W-4
DD-12W-4S-Y-Z 80 240 12W-4
DD-16W-4S-Y-Z 170 240 16W-4
4 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Direct Acting, Port 2 to Port 3, Shift Port 1 to Port 2, Drain

DD-22A-4Q-Y-Z 60 350 22A-4
4 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Pilot Operated, With Drain to Port 4, Normally Open

DP-22A-4M-Y-Z 60 350 22A-4
4 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Pilot Operated, With Drain to Port 4, Normally Closed

DP-22A-4N-Y-Z 60 350 22A-4
4 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Vent to Shift

DQ-31A-40-Y-Z 60 350 31A-4
DQ-32A-40-Y-Z 120 350 32A-4
DQ-33A-40-Y-Z 240 350 33A-4
DQ-34A-40-Y-Z 480 350 34A-4
4 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Vent to Shift

DQ-31A-41-Y-Z 60 350 31A-4
DQ-32A-41-Y-Z 120 350 32A-4
DQ-33A-41-Y-Z 240 350 33A-4
DQ-34A-41-Y-Z 480 350 34A-4
5 ports

Piloted 3-Way, 2-Position Spool, Port 3 to Port 2, Shift Port 3 to Port 4

DD-12WH-5S-Y-Z 80 240 12WH-5
5 ports

Piloted 3-Way, 2-Position Spool, Port 3 to Port 2, Shift Port 3 to Port 4

DD-14WA-5E-Y-Z 160 350 14WA-5
6 ports

4-Way, 2-Position Spool, Pilot-to-Shift

DC-61A-6E-10-Z 28-40 350 61A-6
DC-62A-6E-10-Z 38-120 350 62A-6
6 ports

4-Way, 3-Position Spool, Pilot-to-Shift, Blocked Centre

DC-61A-6E-22-Z 28-40 350 61A-6
DC-62A-6E-22-Z 38-120 350 62A-6
DC-63A-6E-22-Z 95-380 350 63A-6
DC-64A-6E-22-Z 200-760 350 64A-6
6 ports

4-Way, 3-Position Spool, Pilot-to-Shift, Open Centre

DC-61A-6E-23-Z 28-40 350 61A-6
DC-62A-6E-23-Z 38-120 350 62A-6
DC-63A-6E-23-Z 95-380 350 63A-6
DC-64A-6E-23-Z 200-760 350 64A-6
6 ports

4-Way, 3-Position Spool, Pilot-to-Shift, A and B to T Centre

DC-61A-6E-24-Z 28-40 350 61A-6
DC-62A-6E-24-Z 38-120 350 62A-6
DC-63A-6E-24-Z 95-380 350 63A-6
DC-64A-6E-24-Z 200-760 350 64A-6
6 ports

4-Way, 3-Position Spool, Pilot-to-Shift, Tandem Centre

DC-61A-6E-26-Z 28-40 350 61A-6
DC-63A-6E-26-Z 95-380 350 63A-6
DC-64A-6E-26-Z 200-760 350 64A-6
6 ports

Meter-in Proportional Directional Valve, 4-Way, 3-Position

PDD-52A-6P-Y-N-028 28 350 52A-6
PDD-53A-6P-Y-N-045 45 350 53A-6
PDD-52A-6P-Y-N-070 70 350 52A-6
PDD-53A-6P-Y-N-140 140 350 53A-6
PDD-54A-6P-Y-N-320 320 350 54A-6
6 ports

4-Way, 2-Position Spool, Pilot-to-Shift, Tandem Centre

DC-62A-6E-18-Z 38-120 350 62A-6
DC-63A-6E-18-Z 90-380 350 63A-6
DC-64A-6E-18-Z 200-760 350 64A-6
6 ports

4-Way, 3-Position Spool, Pilot-to-Shift, A to T Centre

DC-61A-6E-27-Z 40-50 350 61A-6
6 ports

Meter-in Proportional Directional Valve, 4-Way, 3-Position, Blocked Centre

PDD-53A-6P-Y-N-045 45 350 53A-6
PDD-53A-6P-Y-N-140 140 350 53A-6
PDD-54A-6P-Y-N-320 320 350 53A-6
6 ports

3-Way, 2-Position, Pilot-to-Shift

DD-52A-6A-Y-Z 80 350 52A-6
6 ports

4-Way, 2-Position Spool, Pilot-to-Shift, Detented

DC-62A-6D-10A-Z 80-120 350 62A-6
DC-63A-6D-10A-Z 160-240 350 63A-6
DC-64A-6D-10A-Z 320-480 350 64A-6
6 ports

4-Way, 3-Position Spool, Pilot-to-Shift, Regen Centre

DC-64A-6E-29-Z 200-760 350 64A-6
4 ports

4-Way, 3-Position, Spring Centred, Blocked Centre

PES-10W-4C-22-N-Z 22 250 10W-4
4 ports

4-Way, 3-Position, Spring Centred, A and B to T Centre

PES-10W-4C-24-Y-Z 22 250 10W-4
4 ports

Direct-Acting, 4-Way, 2-Position, Manual Operation, Port 2 to Port 1 and Port 3 to Port 4

DT-31A-4A-30A-Z 40 350 31A-4