ホーム > 製品情報 > パワーユニット > W82 ドークレべラー シリーズ

W82 ドークレべラー シリーズ


    The W82A power pack provides applications for any kind of dock levelers.

    *The W82A power pack can be modified to fit a wide range of tank sizes,

     pump capacities and hydraulic circuits to accommodate your specific application.

    *Complete operating instructions for our high performance system is provided

      with each W82A power pack.

    *All screw-in cartridge valves have been designed to be adjusted easily

      to service the power pack quickly.

    *In addition to Winner standard AC motors, NEMA and B14 standard motors

      can also be used for the W82A power pack.

    製品情報 注文方法