Cartridge Valves
  • Technical Data
  • Product Description
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Note: Data may vary by configuration. See CONFIGURATION section.

Cavity 10W-3
Rated Flow 10.57 gpm 40 L/min
Maximum Operation Pressure 5000 psi 350 bar
Valve Hex Size 1-1/8 in. 28.57 mm
Valve Installation Torque 26 - 33 lbf-ft 35 - 45 Nm
Weight 0.68 lbs (without coil) 0.31 kg (without coil)
Maximum Leakage Approximately 10 cc/min at 1000 psi 10 cc/min at 70 bar
Hysteresis with DC Input < 8%
Hysteresis with Dither < 4%
Linearity with Dither < 2%
Dither 80 - 300 Hz (recommend 85 Hz)
Reseat exceeds 85% of cracking pressure
Coil EC-16B
Power Consumption 26W
This is a pilot-operated, spool-type, proportional pressure reducing/relieving valve that can be continuously adjusted within a specific range using a variable electrical input. The regulated pressure is proportional to the input electrical current. When current is applied to the coil, flow is allowed from port 2 to port 1 until the pressure at port 1 overcomes the solenoid force. The valve then shifts, closing port 2 and allowing flow from port 1 to port 3.

  • The maximum leakage at reseat is approximately 10 cc/min at 70 bar (1000 psi).
  • Reseat pressure exceeds 85% of cracking pressure.
  • Dither frequency should be adjustable between 80 – 300 Hz (recommended frequency: 85 Hz).
  • Continuous-duty rated coil.
  • Efficient wet-armature construction.
  • Working parts are heat-treated and high-precision ground to increase hardness for long life.
  • A variety of seal kit materials for different applications, see seals information under Technical Reference.
  • Winner's cartridges pressure rating tested to the standard of the NFPA specification T2.6.1 and the fatigue rating's assurance and verification level is “90/90”.
  • WINNERcoat® Zinc-Nickel Plating is salt spray tested in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9227 for up to 1000 hours.
  • Winner guarantees that all products performance a 100% functional test before shipment.