Cartridge Valves
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Cartridge Valves

Symbol Description
4-way 2-position, spool, pilot-to-shift, detented Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity DC-62A-6D-10A-Z 80-120 350 62A-6
DC-63A-6D-10A-Z 160-240 350 63A-6
DC-64A-6D-10A-Z 320-480 350 64A-6
4-way 3-position, floating center Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity PDD-52A-6P-Y-N-028 28 350 52A-6
PDD-53A-6P-Y-N-045 45 350 53A-6
PDD-52A-6P-Y-N-070 70 350 52A-6
PDD-53A-6P-Y-N-140 140 350 53A-6
PDD-54A-6P-Y-N-320 320 350 54A-6
4-way 3-position, blocked center Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity PDD-53A-6P-22-N-045 45 350 53A-6
PDD-53A-6P-22-N-140 140 350 53A-6
PDD-54A-6P-22-N-320 320 350 54A-6
4-way 3-position, blocked center Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity PES-10W-4C-22-N-Z 22 250 10W-4
4-way 3-position, A and B to T center Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity PES-10W-4C-24-N-Z 22 250 10W-4
Direct-acting, 4-way, 2-position, manual operation, port 2 to port 1 and port 3 to port 4 Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity DT-31A-4A-30A-Z 40 350 31A-4
Direct-acting without reverse flow check, without relief function Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity SD-21A-4C-Y-Z 60 350 21A-4
Pneumatic operated, poppet, 2-way, normally closed Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity AP-X-21-Y-Z - 350 -
Pneumatic operated, poppet, 2-way, normally open Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity AP-X-22-Y-Z - 350 -
Spring loaded ball, high pressure type check valve Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity CV-08W-20-Y-N-2 30 350 08W-2
Free flow side to nose check valve with sealed Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity CV-08W-2A-Y-Z 30 240 08W-2
High pressure type check valve Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity CV-08W-21-Y-Z-2 30 350 08W-2
Check valve with screw adjustment Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity CV-08W-20-Y-Z 30 240 08W-2
Free flow nose to side check valve Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity CV-08W-20-Y-Z 30 240 08W-2
CV-10W-20-Y-Z 60 240 10W-2
CV-12W-20-Y-Z 90 240 12W-2
CV-16W-20-Y-Z 150 240 16W-2
CV-20W-20-Y-Z 350 240 20W-2
CV-42M-20-Y-Z 350 240 42M-2
High pressure type Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity CV-10W-20-Y-N-2 60 350 10W-2
Mechanically-operated, back-to-back check valve, phaser check - single end actuation Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity CD-162AP-2S-Y-Z 4.7 350 162AP-2
Mechanically-operated, back-to-back check valve, phaser check - double end actuation Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity CD-162AP-2D-Y-Z 4.7 350 162AP-2
Pilot-to-open with external pilot port Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity CO-13A-20-Y-Z 60 350 13A-2
Insert-type check valve Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity CV-G02-Y-Z 15 350 -
CV-G03-Y-Z 30 350 -
CV-G04-Y-Z 50 350 -
CV-G06-Y-Z 80 350 -
Insert-type, free flow nose to side check valve Main Code Flow(l/min) Pressure(bar) Cavity CV-382A-20-Y-Z 4 350 382A-3
CV-8A-20-Y-Z 20 350 8A-2
CV-162A-20-Y-Z 40 350 162A-2
CV-10A-20-Y-Z 80 350 10A-2
CV-13A-20-Y-Z 80 350 13A-2
CV-5A-20-Y-Z 160 350 5A-2
CV-16A-20-Y-Z 320 350 16A-2
CV-18A-20-Y-Z 640 350 18A-2
CV-18AB-20-Y-Z 900 350 18AB-2
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